How to Keep Your Outdoor Light Stand from Falling Over

How to Keep Your outdoor Light Stand from Falling Over

outdoor light stand

outdoor Light Stand
Shooting photography in the great outdoors is wonderful. It affords you the use of amazing backdrops and on-location details that you simply cannot find in any photography studio. However, it also presents many unique challenges. One of those challenges is the weather. As a photographer, you know that there is nothing that you can do to control Mother Nature. Instead, it is important to take time to prepare your equipment – including your outdoor light stand – for whatever she decides to throw your way.

Camera Bag

Use what you have! Your camera bag may be able to hold your outdoor light stand in a stable position on a breezy day. Depending on the size and weight, your camera bag may be the only thing that you need to adjust the angle of your lighting. Empty your bag of its contents or add additional weight and it can be easily transformed into the perfect light stand weight.


If your location is rocky, gather up a few larger rocks and place them in a bag or sack. These natural weights can provide some counterbalance for an outdoor light stand on windy days. Best of all, you do not need to carry the rocks to and from the photo shoot. Rather, you can just keep a few empty bags on hand and use rocks as weights whenever they are needed.


Anchoring your light stand with sandbags is a helpful method to keep your outdoor light stand from falling over. Sandbags provide support and can balance your light stand in light winds, but be cautious if the winds pick up and be ready for a workout lugging those bags. Sandbag counterweights are readily available through photography supply stores. They can provide stability for light stands weighing up to 20 pounds or more. The largest drawback to sandbag counter weights is that they must be transported to and from the location.

Voice Activated Light Stand

This sounds like a high-tech, expensive gadget, right? In actuality, a voice activated light stand is simply an assistant or good-hearted friend or family member who agrees to act as your photography assistant for a few hours. A human light stand assistant not only provides stability and balance in even the windiest conditions, they will give you the ability to adjust the lighting as often as needed, simply by saying, “Stand over here,” or “Lift the light up a bit higher, please.” Best of all, your voice activated light stand assistant can walk away from the shoot on his own two feet. Biggest drawback, if you’re paying an assistant they are expensive and if you’re voice activated light stand is a volunteer they may not always be available or reliable when you need them – and then what?

Outdoor Photography Light Stand – Turfstand

If you cannot find a willing volunteer every time you need help and you don’t want to lug rocks and sandbags to your photo shoot destination, invest in a portable outdoor photography light stand, such as the Turfstand. This lightweight and portable light stand is a breeze to carry, assemble, and store. It anchors directly into the ground, providing you with sturdy lighting no matter the weather. Unlike rocks or sandbags, your light support will not come crashing down, costing you hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars in equipment replacement costs. The affordable Turfstand really is the best option when it comes to convenient ways to light up your outdoor photo shoots.