Carrying Photography Equipment into the Wilderness

Carrying Photography Equipment into the Wilderness

Carrying Photography Equipment into the Wilderness

If you are like most professional or aspiring photographers, chances are high that you cart your camera and tripod with you wherever you go. Whether you are shooting a group photo session outdoors or simply heading out for a day on the trails and bringing your camera along for the ride, you will want to take steps to make sure that you can carry your photography equipment comfortably and safely while out in the wilderness.

Pack a Bag

A sturdy camera bag is not only important so that you can carry your camera with you; it is also the best way to keep it safe. Carrying your camera in a padded, lightweight bag will protect it from bumps and even short drops. The bag will protect your camera from damage and will keep your lenses from being scratched by branches, trees, and other trail hazards. A backpack style camera bag may be the best option for photographers who routinely shoot sessions in the wilderness.

Look for Portability

When choosing photography equipment, look for products that are portable. This is especially important if you do a lot of photography on location. Search for a portable outdoor light stand that is compact and lightweight that you can carry with you wherever your travels take you. Carrying cases for reflectors and lighting umbrellas and other professional photography equipment is an important tool for protecting your equipment while you travel.

Use Your Resources

Many photographers use sandbags and water jugs in order to stabilize their outdoor lighting equipment. While these tactics are good for most occasions, nothing is more frustrating than having to carry multiple sandbags on a hiking trail. Instead of packing all of your weights and stabilizers, you can bring a Turfstand lighting stand that anchors into the ground. Using your resources is not only smart; it will save your arms and back from the struggle of carrying heavy weight.

Pack Light

Don’t bring your entire photography studio with you when you travel. A few lightweight props, an outdoor photography light stand, and a portable reflector – along with your camera body and lenses, of course – are all that you need in order to capture some amazing photographs in the great outdoors. Take advantage of the natural scenery and find backdrops, props, and ideal settings by working with what Mother Nature has to offer.